The Tao of Worm Farming
All about observing ,learning and connecting with nature outside and in.
Tiphereth One With The Sun My Art
My Dream That Wasn't a Dream
I did this art to always remember the day 20 years ago now the sun came through my window shown on my face through my eyes through my whole body. I saw it in golden geometrical patterns and rays. It literally saved my life after having an experience like death amazed to be still alive when I woke up I saw this. I saw a real light inside and out together harmonized as one as the center of our being we were a portal a wormhole. Who knows where it all could go/be everything is intelligent life.
I did this art to always remember the day 20 years ago now the sun came through my window shown on my face through my eyes through my whole body. I saw it in golden geometrical patterns and rays. It literally saved my life after having an experience like death amazed to be still alive when I woke up I saw this. I saw a real light inside and out together harmonized as one as the center of our being we were a portal a wormhole. Who knows where it all could go/be everything is intelligent life.
Billy & Ming Babies :) All Still In Our Forever Home Here With Us :)
UPDATE: 2015
For the curious and the animal activists ( which I happen to be one myself ) I'll say we are not breeders nor had any intent to sell these cuties, Our first plan was to keep our Billy genes in the family by breeding our own future pets and to adopt two of the litter out to other families and keep the rest but did decide to keep them all with us . For those who think of not getting their cats fixed I'll also say it's not a good idea unless you are crazy cat loving freaks like us and have the time , money and patience to give them all a spoiled happy forever home. They are very hard to find good homes for , the shelters are already packed and unfortunately if they are not perfectly trained and clean there are people who won't tolerate that and will get rid of them to who knows where . They are messy , very expensive especially for the recommended vet products and food we pay over $100 a month just for these guys just for food alone not including vet bills and shots. They are noisy ( at night mostly when people are trying to sleep ), and rarely take no for an answer when it comes to keeping the furniture in one piece, having them declawed is out of the question ! :D But to me they are worth it ! I love them with all my heart and soul screw the furniture and any other pricey luxury I can't afford any more .
SHMOO (girl)
JR ( He's the most like his Dad )
Born with Spina Bifida almost didn't make but had her tail amputated where an opening was and so far so good :) She is very sweet and has a very big purr a real tough cookie ! :) .
UPDATE 2015 : Willow is still with us with no other troubles from her spina bifida.
Two Peas in a Pod - Cats Intuition
Billy and Ming have been nothing but happy since they found each other . Billy copies Ming and Ming copies Billy . The saying "copy cat" doesn't come from nothing :) A kind of empathetic entrainment , cats intuition mixed with learning from example :) These two are joy together even with their occational cat spats.
This is an awesome message about intuition
Coincidence ? 11 11 11 - Synchronicity
A fun day for sure lots of the lovely number 11 to ponder over. Can't get enough. There is a beautiful flock of little birds dancing all around my house swaying to the beat. Reminding me of how connected we all are to nature and each other :)'Coincidence' is the story of my life and what a day to celebrate it.
Cute Frog The Forest Is Filled With Them !
There were just tons of these guys down at the forest today. I think it's an American Toad not sure cute little fella and easy to catch. I let them all go again :) Also found an abundance of leopard frogs down there which is nice. Won't be long though it'll be all gone. The Kitchener construction trucks just keep getting deeper and deeper into it. There is so much life in this little patch of forest in the middle of the city even deer and blue herring are still squishing themselves in there. What a shame to see it all go. Yes wave goodbye little frog.
( I released this frog right after taking this picture , I never take animals out of the wild. )
I think this is an endangered species. Too bad they couldn't have taken a better look at the present nature before they put all those big expensive houses in there. Ah well, all the broken glass, needles and foaming toxic sludge in the creek killing all the crayfish was not a good place for animals anyway. There was a ferret or weasel-like critter as well and a muskrat den. Twice now my son has spotted and taken pics of a fox.And there is a population of red-tailed hawks as well. Down Blazer road. I know not too far off by the Grand river there is or was an endangered newt with an orange belly a long time ago he was rescued and put on the list.
WHOOOOT !!! I just quit smoking :)))))
I can't believe how good it feels to clean some serious pollution out of my life . I've been spending so much time watching natural disasters one after the other smoking my brains out in stress and tears paralyzed sometimes by the horrors on the news and realized a microcosm of this reflection . There's been an oil spill in my lungs every cigarette I smoke like a radioactive leak seeping into the future of my life . The only real power I have in this world is here and now in my own life and body quitting smoking seemed like a way to be the change I want to see in the world .
These are a couple of cards out of an old card game called The Illuminati Card Game . Some people believe some of the cards have ended up being prophetic since they came out years before some of the events they depict that actually happened. After hearing that I picked out a few good cards I would like to see happen and wolla ! So far so good . Works for me anyway hee hee :)
Transformation Complete
Dancing and jumping for joy! A first moth hatched tonight :)) I watched as it slowly nudged it's head through the cocoon and emerged pumping up its wings and spreading them elegantly before my eyes. How beautiful :) How fitting the recent solar flare melting an arctic-like snowscape outside, everything is melted and the sun was shining so bright what a day!
Whites Tree Frog Changing Colour
Just an interesting observation I made this morning with one of my tree frogs . This one is usually hiding a nice surprise to see him when I put on his light . Neat how temperature and light effect his colour . At night he matches his tree and during the day he matches the leaves on them he actually gets even more green than in my picture he changed so fast these pics are taken right in a row . The two that I have also seem to like the sound of my sons voice usually at night after the light goes out and they hear him speaking they blast out long and synchronized croaks responding to him . An amazing sound :) What a great smile eh? hee hee :))
Chicken Soup For The Soul - Billy Style
Note these are actual links to interesting information not ad links thanks :)
Recently changing over to non gmo and organic foods . Just after one week of taking some junk out of my diet is a huge difference in stress levels . Should of done this sooner .A couple of weeks ago I ran out of sugar and ended up having to put honey and organic maple syrup in my coffee wholey cow ! I never realized how much non organic sugar was stressing me and making me feel sick . I wasn't happy about spending 10 bucks on milk though geeze ! I read that grass fed cows fermented stuff like butter cheese and natto made from soy beans , produce a vitamin that helps to decalcify the pineal gland when mixed with A and D . Homeade butter here I come :)) . Billy and I had sushi for supper last night yum ! A little light ( and I don't mean diet ) meditation on the fridge does wonders !
Well Hello Handsome :)
This male hatched last night 2 in the morning just as Tinkerbell had decided she wasn't going to wait anymore and started laying infertile eggs . I wanted to place them together to get the ball rolling but he didn't like that idea and had an "accident" as I tried to pick him up can't blame him for being nervous :) so I turned off the light and let nature do it's thing thinking his little antani would pick up her sent a mile away and frantically flutter over to her .
This morning I looked he was still perched in his spot and she had been busy laying over 100 little golden infertile eggs . I picked her up and put her with him and immediately they finally found each other .
I never realized how over domesticated these critters are and how much intervention is needed to raise them .I am assuming this is part of the reason for the "virus" they have and why it has been so hard getting these guys to spin .
Hopefully I will be able to diversify them and blend my eggs with eggs from another line . Tried to get some from the states but Canada has a new biological import law . Need a permit that takes over 4 years to get just for some silkworm eggs . Canada has also put the white mulberry tree on the invasive species list being that the Asian version of our red mulberry does genetic swapping and takes out our native tree . I've seen some mulberries that are a beautiful blend of both .
Come on it's nature to migrate survival of the fittest just because a human brought the tree here doesn't mean it's not still a way of nature .I myself wouldn't be here if it wasn't for migration . My great great grandmother was an Iroquois Indian who met up with a handsome French man yes I am a descendant of a Pocahontis in the flesh : ) Can you tell ?.I am a beautiful blend of many cultures as the years have gone by .I've ended up with Native French German British and my son now holds some Russian .
Not saying that there aren't issues with threats of Eco systems being totally destroyed due to invasive species like the African clawed dwarf frog with its other frog killing fungus but this is not the case in all situations fine picking discernment instead of blanket solutions is more work and time but worth the effort .
All Images And Text © 2012 -
It's a GIRL :)) Silkmoth
My first moth hatched this morning while I was asleep . I am ecstatic I wasn't sure if any of them would hatch since I had such a hard time raising these guys . Not an easy task breeding sick silkworms I started out with 80 and ended up with only 33 cocoons but hey I'm pleased as punch . Yesterday I found out I had the timing wrong its not 3 weeks after spinning that they emerge its only about two .I put her down back with the other cocoons . It was easy to tell which ones around her are male their cocoons were wobbling all over the place picking up on her pheromones . Come on boys time to come out and join the party :)

Hey Look ! I caught a fairy ! hee hee I'll have to call
her Tinker Bell now of course wow she is really reflective .

I Wonder ..... To Eat Or Not To Eat The Silkworm ?
I guess if I had to I could. Seems the crickets mealworms hornworms and superworms I'm working on breeding can also be eaten mmm...think I'll just wait a bit before I brave that one. Hard to find a good recipe except for that hornworm and tomato dish I keep coming across in my searches. I've heard from someone who ate a variety of raw bugs for a prank said that crickets and mealworms taste like whatever they are being fed. One day maybe but not the silkworms they are way too friendly I feel bad feeding them to my pets let alone eating them myself. It is nature though to consume ,everything eats everything else its a sacred foundation of all life.Shamans honor the animals and plants they take for food with that kind of respect and appreciation before and after ,nothing is wasted, eating is guilt free. It's funny the saying "don't play with your food " hee hee ya I might become friends with it and not be able to eat it anymore. Wow, now I am totally confused about the idea of peace silk if the pupae is eaten after the silk is taken humanly done stifling maybe not such a bad thing and still peaceful .
Albino Silkworm
Breeding silkworms now . Well trying quite the challenge :) This one is the only albino in a group of 50 that I just bought .I've got a beautiful big mulberry tree in my back yard . These guys love fresh leaves . I always loved that tree over the years I've been watching it grow . Mulberry has so many functions beauty creams herbal remedies and food for these amazing caterpillars . Might spin some peace silk one day since I can't use them for feeders they are just way to beautiful for that :) My guys will eat the dead moths so there will be no waste . Plus I just bought a box of 1000 superworms that should keep them very happy for awhile :)
WHOOPS ! This guy is no longer with us :( I accidentally popped him trying to pick him up . OH the lessons of nature no matter how gentle sometimes nature should just be left as she is in her perfect ways .
I find this with my mediation one of my non absolute general rules is don't touch just observe the more I try sometimes the harder is it .3/13/10
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